福井の一級建築士事務所 BAUM


  1. 所在地 : 福井県鯖江市
  2. 主要用途 : 事務所
  3. 工事種別 : 改装工事
  4. 主要構造 : RC造4階建て
  5. 施工面積 : 215.45㎡
  6. 施工 : サイト建設



  1. Location : Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture
  2. Main use : Office
  3. Construction type : Renovation work
  4. Main structure : RC 4-story building
  5. Construction area : 215.45㎡
  6. Construction : Saito Construction Co., Ltd

Within the eyewear's district, BAUM renewed the factory of Excel optical corporation, built about 35 years ago. It has been paid attention to all the old features of the building with great care.
The architect aimed to configure a flexible and balance space for the meeting rooms with a direct access on the existing garden. The brief included a series of functional requirements ranging from conventional small office units to meeting rooms able to welcome a large number of people from overseas or during factory tours.